Hello there, and welcome to our page. This is the Breakthrough The Nations blog, where we give you educational content. This content centres on modern-day slavery and reflects our desire to bring it to an end and liberate the millions who are being held captive.

But before you start reading through our blog posts, let's take a quick look at Breakthrough The Nations and what we stand for.

Who are we at Breakthrough The Nations?

Breakthrough The Nations is a Non-profit Organization that is dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking around the world. We believe that every person is created in the image of God and deserves to live in freedom and dignity.

We are on a mission to serve as a conduit through which modern-day slavery is abolished, communities are restored, and homes are made whole, one person at a time, by sharing the gospel.

As an organisation, we envision a world liberated from modern-day slavery.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking, or modern-day slavery, is the illegal practice of transporting or coercing people to benefit from their work, usually characterised by forced labour or sexual exploitation.

The United Nations defines Human Trafficking as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, intending to exploit them for profit.

Men, women and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which occurs in every region of the world. The traffickers often use violence or fraudulent employment agencies and fake promises of education and job opportunities to trick and coerce their victims.

Our drive

Today, there are over 50 million trapped in conditions of modern-day slavery, mental health has become a global epidemic, and there are more cases of Human trafficking in our modern World.

Our Organisation was founded with the intent to serve victims of modern-day slavery who inevitably suffer from the bondage of human trafficking.

We not only want to rescue victims but also build facilities that can house them, clothe them, and feed them until they are ready to be re-integrated into society.

At Breakthrough The Nations, we desire to equip these women and children with the skills necessary to succeed. We will provide resources like therapy, entrepreneurship classes, finance classes, parenting classes, marriage courses, and many more opportunities through the organization.

How are we fighting modern-day slavery?

We are partnering with local churches, ministries, and organizations that are working on the frontlines of anti-trafficking efforts. We aim to provide holistic care and support for survivors, including safe housing, medical care, counselling, education, vocational training, and spiritual guidance.

We are also raising awareness and advocacy for the issue of human trafficking and its root causes, such as poverty, injustice, and corruption. Mobilizing and equipping individuals, churches, and communities to join us in our fight against human trafficking and to make a difference in their spheres of influence.

Partner with us

At Breakthrough The Nations, we're building a team of talented individuals who believe in abolishing the crime of modern-day slavery.

Our team is currently spread across three different continents with everyone working hard to ensure that this vision thrives.

We are currently seeking partners who are eager to join us in the fight to liberate victims of modern-day slavery, no matter where you are.

So friends, join us and stay tuned as we enlighten you on our journey to achieving this vision before us. You can also partake in our newsletters to get the earliest insights on our budgets for faster support.

We hope you will join us!


Hunger Games: Exploring Modern-day slavery and its major causes


Understanding Human Trafficking: A Global Crisis