Hunger Games: Exploring Modern-day slavery and its major causes

Modern-day slavery isn't a concept. It is not something just taught in schools, at big conferences, or on children's day. Modern-day slavery is real, and a real problem that many countries in the world are facing.

Modern-day slavery — better known as human trafficking — is a concept that has long existed, and did not begin now.

By definition, human trafficking is the use of force or any form of coercion to obtain labor involving diverse practices, including sexual acts, drug abuse, organ harvesting, and slavery.

In this blog, we'll look at this age-long concept and some crucial events responsible for this practice.

Another look at human trafficking

You probably are very well enlightened on the subject of modern-day slavery. We were all taught in schools and have seen it in the movies, but a fewer number of us know how real it is.

While you must have thought that slavery ended with the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln's fight for freedom and democracy, the disease called slavery is still practiced today.

Millions of women, children, boys, and girls are suffering from the horrors of trafficking, and having their voices silenced.

As of 2023, a total of 50 million people were estimated to be victims of human trafficking worldwide, per US Department of State data.

It's important to note that trafficking isn't more rampant among underdeveloped countries than it is among developed nations. It is unfortunate, however, to think that many countries refuse to acknowledge such a crime happening within their borders.

According to a 2023 report released by the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), it was asserted by Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa "many governments are still in denial. There is even neglect when it comes to either reporting on or prosecuting cases of human trafficking".

The above statement justifies why we do not constantly hear of such cases. As the report states, many of these countries under UNODC refuse to witness a single case of trafficking, despite its growing effects.

That said, we must constantly realize that anyone can be a victim of this evil practice. Those who suffer from this illegal act can be all around us. Sadly, many of us are unaware that these victims sit close to us. They walk by us. We smile at them but are ignorant of their pain and suffering simply because they cannot open up.

Major causes of Human Trafficking

There are several factors responsible for the rise in human trafficking in certain parts of the world. In this section, we will cover the major causes of human trafficking known today.

Here are the most common causes of modern-day slavery/human trafficking:


Poverty is probably the most important factor causing modern-day slavery to thrive. We've heard stories of parents “selling off" their children to strangers because they couldn't afford to care for them. Poverty plays one of the biggest roles in human trafficking today.

Poor living conditions make it almost impossible to refuse an opportunity to come out of it. For this reason, many parents have sold their children, siblings sold siblings, and families sold other members of their family. This cause often doesn't require any form of forceful effort. It is simply done based on a bargain.

Inadequate security

In many regions where modern-day slavery still thrives, one other relevant factor for its growth is inadequate security. The inability of a nation to equip its citizens with satisfactory levels of security leads to increased cases of kidnappings, rape, and harassment of any kind.

Trafficking ultimately thrives on economic loopholes and security lapses, making it easy for young children —and even adults— to be victimized. We live in a world where freedom is spoken of publicly, but these people are deprived of it. However, the solution to their problem is you!

Human Trafficking is a corporate fight

Many people feel that oppression is something law enforcement agencies have to fight. Others are of the opinion that this illegal practice is for World Organizations to combat, but the truth remains that the fight against human trafficking is collective.

To ensure that everyone is free, it requires that every one of us stand up against this injustice. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “It is in your hands to make a better world for all who live in it.” This statement connotes not only our involvement in creating a better world but also our responsibility to those in modern-day slavery.

Let's join hands to create a world where everyone can live without fear of being exploited or enslaved. The solution to this problem lies in our collective efforts and compassion.

Join us at Breakthrough the Nations

Breakthrough The Nations is an Organization that was raised to tackle the evil of modern-day slavery by helping those who have been victims of this crime. We serve as a conduit through which modern-day slavery is abolished, communities are restored, and homes are made whole one person at a time by sharing the gospel.

At Breakthrough The Nations, we envision a world free from modern-day slavery. A world where communities thrive without the abuse of women and children, sexually, mentally, or in any other form.

How can you help?

Our Organization has been on the field, catering and educating hundreds of women and children. Our Breakthrough Fest in 2023 was a significant step in our effort to end trafficking in Brazil and South America as a whole.

However, the journey doesn't end there. We still need your support to be able to do many more amazing things and reach out to these people who you may never get to meet but will always be helped by your giving.

Subscribe to our newsletter to get closer updates on what we do, and how we are making more impact as an organization with your support.
